Have you watched that video of Liputan 6? I still can't believe that finally I made my debut with the team. Garuda UNY, the electric car team I join now has got published in several online journal and newspaper. I was happy for it. But in other side, I'm still confuse. What should I do now? Do I have to learn about the car, the ELECTRIC car, alone? By myself? Really?
You gotta be kidding me.
I'm hoping someone with a kind and warm heart give some lessons to me about those automotive thingy I should know. I have to ask a person to teach me one by one, step by step, all those manuals so I can understand all well. Who wants to help me?
No one? Okay, fine.
Allah must have a BIG surprise for me. I don't know yet what kind of surprise He'll give to me. It must be a very special one. I hope.
Here are some photos of the team when we joined the celebration of Dies Natalis UNY in Athletic Stadium with Mr. Rector.
The 3 some boys named Juni, Afri, and Arga (start from left). Well, maybe they were already exhausted at that time. I can guess by looking at their faces.
Mas Brillian with his car, Bogel Powe electric car.
Mr. Rector wants to ride it once more.
I don't know you guys have a sweet side of heart *terharu*
Here you are some handsome boys in my team. Who will you choose?
This genius boy is Bondan. He has a young spirit everyone should have. Proud of you, Bro!
It's my team. Not the full one because some members didn't attend the ceremony.
Oh, I really wanted to bring those ballons home.
It's Mas Onery. Sometimes he's mean to me but actually he's a warm-hearted guy *ember mana ember*
It's a bad example in driving. You aren't allowed to sleep while you're driving!!
Those all the pics of Dies Natalis Opening Ceremony I have. Happy Monday for you lovely readers!
xo xo
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